Research Article
Bread Wheat Variety Demonstration and Evaluation: Empirical Evidences on Farmers Preferences, Productivity and Profitability in Central Ethiopia Region
Tesfahun Fikre*
Dirshaye Hailu
Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2025
16 December 2024
31 December 2024
21 January 2025
Abstract: The study aimed to evaluate bread wheat varieties preferred among farmers to enhance productivity and economic gains. Employing a participatory action research approach, bread wheat technologies were demonstrated and evaluated for two consecutive years in Sodo and Mareko Special districts. A total of 125 purposively selected farmers participated in 20 on-farm demonstrations. Data collection involved both quantitative and qualitative methods, including focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and grain yield measurements. Analysis included descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, percentage) and inferential statistics one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests. Evaluation of bread wheat varieties utilized techniques like pair-wise ranking, technological gap index, and extension gap. Financial feasibility was assessed through partial budget analysis. Results showed that Dursa and Deka bread wheat varieties consistently outperformed Kakaba (check) in grain yield and technological performance, with significant differences noted in Sodo and Mareko Special districts. In both districts, Dursa and Deka exhibited a mean grain yield advantage ranging from 16.2% to 56.15% over Kakaba, respectively. In addition, the ANOVA test result also reveals there is a statistically significant difference in the grain yield of the demonstrated varieties at (P= 0.001). Furthermore, a Tukey HSD post-hoc test revealed that there is a statistically significant difference in grain yield of the varieties except between Dursa and Deka varieties with (P=0.0942). In direct matrix ranking of the varieties, farmers top ranked Deka and Dursa varieties for their higher grain yield and early maturity traits in Sodo and Mareko Special districts respectively. Moreover, a Spearman's correlation coefficient validates the reliability of farmers' assessments in predicting variety performance. Financially, Dursa demonstrates superior profitability, highlighted by a higher Marginal Rate of Return (MRR), emphasizing its financial viability for smallholder farmers in Mareko Special district. In Sodo district, as Deka exhibits a consistent superiority in yield and farmers preference While in Mareko Special district, Dursa exhibits higher yield, farmer’s preference and economic viability. Thus,, the study recommends for further dissemination and promotion of Deka and Dursa bread wheat varieties in Sodo and Mareko Special districts, respectively, than Kakaba variety by concerned bodies such as zonal and district level agriculture offices, NGO’s and seed enterprises in the study areas.
Abstract: The study aimed to evaluate bread wheat varieties preferred among farmers to enhance productivity and economic gains. Employing a participatory action research approach, bread wheat technologies were demonstrated and evaluated for two consecutive years in Sodo and Mareko Special districts. A total of 125 purposively selected farmers participated in...
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Research Article
Wages Across Regions: Responsiveness to Macro and Policy Variables
Arup Mitra*
Sarthak Mishra
Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2025
27 December 2024
13 January 2025
24 January 2025
Abstract: This study reflects on the inter-regional wage variations. If labour is highly mobile then as per the neoclassical constellation wages are expected to get equalized across space. But the variations in wages and earnings across the Indian states are seen to be significant. This prompted us to investigate the wage variation issue further. The factors considered in the study include physical infrastructure, financial infrastructure, health, growth indicator, prices, policy variable such as minimum wage set by the state governments and the fiscal deficit, which may impact on wages across space. Findings are indicative of the fact that wages and earnings respond to the infrastructure and health related indicators. Economic growth and productivity rise also show a positive impact. Besides, the minimum wage policy of the government is seen to be effective, particularly in the case of those who are located at the lower rungs. The real wages/earnings do not show any significant responsiveness to price index though the association is not totally absent. Finally, the policy implications of the study are brought out.
Abstract: This study reflects on the inter-regional wage variations. If labour is highly mobile then as per the neoclassical constellation wages are expected to get equalized across space. But the variations in wages and earnings across the Indian states are seen to be significant. This prompted us to investigate the wage variation issue further. The factors...
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Research Article
Impact of Resources Policy for Enhancing Financial Inclusion in Iringa Hope Joint SACCOS in Southern Highland Zone
Enock Stanley Ugulumu*,
Emmanuel Nyankweli,
Timothy Lyanga
Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2025
15 December 2024
1 February 2025
17 February 2025
Abstract: Financial policy stands as the important directives towards enhancing financial inclusion development in different levels. The higher level of financial inclusion increases the level of official savings, which in turn promotes development. This study examines the impact of resources policy on enhancing financial inclusion in Iringa Hope Joint SACCOS in Southern Highland Zone. The study used binary logistic regression model and a Cross-Sectional Survey Design. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS ver. 20, IBM, USA) was used to perform analysis. The study revealed that, affordable financial services, faster financial services, secure financial services, transparent financial services and convenient financial services increases possibility of financial inclusion if microfinance policy strategies are well organized. As a policy issue, financial inclusion is said to be a major contributor to economic growth, poverty reduction, effectiveness to monetary policy transmission and financial sector stability. The findings also show that importance of leadership is recognized by policy makers, which made leadership as among of the principle for financial inclusion innovativeness. Effective financial inclusion strategies which are most important are national micro finance policy, post office savings bank loans, mobile financial services, agency banking, shared infrastructure network, insurance policy provisions. The practical implications of these study findings provided the useful information to policy makers and microfinance and financial sector management officials during planning process and decision making in the destination. The study recommends that, Policymakers should focus on developing policies considering a sustainable banking services delivery model and need-based products for rural and urban consumers.
Abstract: Financial policy stands as the important directives towards enhancing financial inclusion development in different levels. The higher level of financial inclusion increases the level of official savings, which in turn promotes development. This study examines the impact of resources policy on enhancing financial inclusion in Iringa Hope Joint SACCO...
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Research Article
Assessing the Relationship Between Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Sierra Leone
Matthew James Turay*
Abdul Koroma,
Alice Sia Yambasu,
Abu Kabba,
Issac Tamba Issa
Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2025
2 January 2025
16 January 2025
21 March 2025
Abstract: Sierra Leone is one of the countries in Africa that relies heavily on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow for growth. This study examines the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economic growth, in which the Gross Domestic Product as main indicator of the country’s using time series ranging between 1990 and 2023 using time series data from the World Development Indicators (WDI). The analysis uses descriptive statistics, Correlation, Augmented Dickey fuller test for Stationarity, as well as Regression model in order to test effect of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) towards the country economic growth. The findings shows that Foreign Direct Investment, FDI has a significant positive effect on the economic growth of Sierra Leone. In other words, a unit increase in the FDI will definitely leads to increase in the economic grow of the country. Likewise other variables, labor, exports, imports have significant contributions towards the economic growth. It also signifies that government needs to encourage investors to the country which will play greater role to the country’s economy. The findings recommend, among other things, that policies aimed at increasing the productivity and growth be implemented in order to attract investors.
Abstract: Sierra Leone is one of the countries in Africa that relies heavily on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow for growth. This study examines the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economic growth, in which the Gross Domestic Product as main indicator of the country’s using time series ranging between 1990 and 2023 using time series data f...
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