Crisis is the Property of Complex Systems
Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2012
30 December 2012
Abstract: We can understand of crisis nature only by means of investigation of complex systems. Our socio-economical system is very complicated system. Any complex system interacts with its changing environment and its viability depends on its adaptability. The number of arbitrary coefficients in the structure of equivalent equations of complex system changes in the process of learning. In systems with more than six variables, the number of arbitrary coefficients increases first, and then, passing through the maximum, begins to decrease. This phenomenon makes it possible to explain the processes of system growth, complication and death in biological, economical and physical-engineering systems. We use the linguo-combinatorial method of investigation of complex systems, in taking key words for building equivalent equations. This phenomenon is able to increase the adaptability of different systems. The crisis situation is the distance between the adaptation maximum zone and today situation.
Abstract: We can understand of crisis nature only by means of investigation of complex systems. Our socio-economical system is very complicated system. Any complex system interacts with its changing environment and its viability depends on its adaptability. The number of arbitrary coefficients in the structure of equivalent equations of complex system change...
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